IT WAS almost a foregone
conclusion that the Lords would reject the Welsh Church Bill. To
try to amend it, as the Bishop of Oxford desired, was futile: the
thing was so unutterably mean and unjust, the outcome of sectarian
malice. Even if the Lords had amended it, it would have been
returned on their hands just as it was originally sent to them. It
was decidedly interesting to see that at least one Ministerial
organ complained of the feeble way in which the case for the Bill
was commended to their lordships by the Radical Peers, and it is
also worthy of remark that the fifty-two votes recorded in its
favour were fewer even than the Radical creations for which Mr
Asquith and his predecessor were responsible. We are not surprised
to find that the Bishop of Oxford's speech has caused some distress
to his fellow-Churchmen. When he [Charles Gore] represented the
sects as the friends of the poor and the Church as chiefly
concerned with the well-to-do, he forgot that the Church remains at
work in the slums when the sects have migrated to better
neighbourhoods. However, the Archbishop of York [Cosmo Gordon
Lang], who knows from a practical experience which his brother of
Oxford has never enjoyed what the Church is doing for the poor, put
that matter straight. . . . The only immediate result of the
rejection of the Welsh Church Bill is the interposition of rather
more than a year's delay before it becomes law. It should be
possible to do something in that interval of time to arouse public
indignation against this sordid measure. There it is, and there it
will continue, in all its stark brutality, and if the nation has
any sense of decency to which appeal can be made, the Bill may yet
be defeated.