AS A former vet, specialising in equine surgery, Canon Judy Hunt is appropriately pictured here with Suffolk Punch horses. She has just become Archdeacon of Suffolk, the first woman archdeacon in the diocese of St Edmundsbury & Ipswich.
As well as practising equine surgery, she used also to lecture at the School of Veterinary Science in Liverpool. She was ordained priest in 1994, and has arrived in Suffolk from the diocese of Chester, where she was Director of Ministry and Mission.
She will be responsible for about 200 parishes in the eastern half of Suffolk, and, welcoming her, the Bishop of St Edmundsbury & Ipswich, the Rt Revd Nigel Stock, said: “As a former vet, she will have great empathy for the agricultural community. But she also has impressive strategic ability and an eye for detail. I am looking forward to working with her enormously.”