WE HAVE received a foolish manifesto from a society calling
itself the Spiritual Militancy League for the Women's Charter of
Rights and Liberties. The document in question enumerates fifteen
"moral indignities" contained in the Church Service of Holy
Matrimony, and calls upon the Government to introduce a Bill "which
shall secure the removal from the marriage rite of the State Church
of all the aforementioned humiliations to women". Among the
"indignities" are the use of the word "obey" in the case of the
bride; the giving away of the bride; the ring; and the phrase, "I
pronounce that they be man and wife together." It would almost
satisfy these militants, however, if everything that is required of
the woman were also required of the man. Thus, nearly all would be
well if he were compelled to promise obedience, instead of the
worship he now promises; if he and the bride exchanged rings; if he
were called husband instead of man; if a new marriage-psalm
announced what the husband "shall be as upon the walls" of the
bride's house. But St Paul's teaching about marriage must be
removed by Act of Parliament from the Prayer Book. Its inclusion is
the "crowning indignity". It surprises us that these "spiritual
militants" do not protest also against the abandonment by the wife
of her maiden name, and advocate the establishment of the
matriarchal family system. But, perhaps, they prefer doing one
thing at a time. When Parliament has reformed the Prayer Book, the
next step will be to put the husband and father into the lower
place in the family, if, indeed, it will not be to abolish marriage
altogether, which, we believe, is the ultimate aim of the people
who are waging this war of the sexes.