More executions feared in Pakistan
ATTACKS on Christians in Pakistan, and the execution of those
falsely accused of blasphemy, could increase, Release International
warned on Tuesday, after the Federal Sharia Court ruled in favour
of the mandatory death sentence for blasphemy last week. Currently,
most defendants convicted of blasphemy are serving a life sentence,
even though the official penalty for defaming the prophet Muhammad
is death.
Bishop castigates sellers of prayers
PASTORS who sell prayers and blessings are taking advantage of
people who "cannot understand the message of Jesus properly", the
Bishop of Wau, in South Sudan, the Rt Revd Moses Deng Bol, said
last week. The Anglican Communion News Service reported on Thursday
of last week that the Bishop was "mad" at the practice by
"heretics", who were "misguided and greedy".
Call for Philippines debt-cancellation
THE $60-billion debt owed by the Philippines should be
cancelled, to enable the government to channel resources to the
recovery after Typhoon Haiyan
(News, 8 November), a coalition of charities said on Thursday
of last week. The coalition, including Christian Aid, said that the
debt was largely accumulated during the Marcos regime, "when
Western governments and institutions, such as the World Bank,
supported the dictator with loans to keep him on-side during the
Cold War". Debt-servicing accounted for 20 per cent of revenue
p.a., the government of the Philippines had reported.