BETTY JASPER died on 4 August, aged 94, outside Glasgow, where
she had been living for 11 years.
A teacher and chief examiner, and writer in domestic science,
Betty was married to the historian and liturgist, the Very Revd Dr
Ronald Jasper, Dean of York from 1975 to 1984. He died in 1990.
She always boasted that she was the only one in the family not
to have read Theology: their son and daughter-in-law are academic
theologians, their daughter taught Religious Studies, and their
son-in-law has just retired as Bishop of Blackburn. Two of their
four grandchildren have read Theology.
Betty is fondly remembered by students from King's College,
London, and many around the Church for her warm hospitality,
particularly in Dulwich, Westminster, York, and in retirement at