Neighbour: the Archbishop of Canterbury has commissioned the
Bishop of Huntingdon, Dr David Thomson, to be Interim Bishop of St
Edmundsbury & Ipswich, until a replacement is found to succeed
the Rt Revd Nigel Stock, who is to become Bishop at Lambeth in
October (News, 28
June). Dr Thomson will start as Interim Bishop in October. He
will remain Bishop of Huntingdon, and will continue to live in Ely
diocese, although he will have the use of a flat in the Bishop's
House in Ipswich, from which he will work. The diocese has only one
suffragan see, which has been vacant since the retirement of the
Bishop of Dunwich, the Rt Revd Clive Young, in May. It is,
therefore, in the unusual position of asking a bishop from a
neighbouring diocese to act as Interim Bishop.