Church Times top ten religious books
(previous month's position in brackets)
Silence by Diarmaid MacCulloch (Allen Lane,
£20) (3)
Good Worship guide by Robert Atwell
(Canterbury Press, £19.99)
The Time by the Sea by Ronald Blythe (Faber
and Faber, £15.99 (Church Times SPECIAL OFFER PRICE
£13.99) (2)
Sidney Chambers and the Perils of the Night
(hbk) by James Runcie (Bloomsbury, £14.99 (Church Times
Sidney Chambers and the Shadow of Death
(pbk) by James Runcie (Bloomsbury, £7.99) (7)
The Bible by Paula Gooder (Oneworld, £9.99)
Archbishop Justin Welby by Andrew Atherstone
(DLT, £7.99) (2)
Catholics of the Anglican Patrimony by Aidan
Nichols (Gracewing, £7.99) (-)
Thomas Aquinas by Denys Turner (Yale,
£18.99) (-)
10 Saint Augustine of Hippo
by Miles Hollingworth (Bloomsbury, £20 (Church Times SPECIAL
OFFER PRICE £18) (-)
Participating bookshops: Church House Bookshop, London; and St
Denys' Bookshop, Manchester.