From the Revd Dr Stephen Laird
Sir, - Mathew Guest and his "Christianity and the University
Experience" research team must be congratulated forgathering data
thatis set to challenge many of the established myths surrounding
the Christian scene at Britain's higher-education establishments
(News and Feature, 13
Directly and indirectly, churches and dioceses are supporting
ministries in these places, and it is important that they havethe
clearest possiblepicture of the environment in which chaplains and
other emissaries are working, an environment with endless
andextraordinary potential.
The team reported a dramatic fall-off in church attendance by
Christian students (across almost all of the denominational
spectrum) once they had arrived at university. Part of the task of
university chaplains and other established Christian groups on
campuses is to work against this tide, and help students attach
themselves to a worshipping community, whether it is a local church
or a campus-based congregation.
Students need considerable encouragement in this regard, and the
places that make concessions to their needs are most likely to
attract them: proper Sunday hospitality (including food)is
important. Students prefer to worship where there are other
students. It is also worth remembering that they do not generally
rise early at weekends: every year, I am asked whether our noon
eucharist on campus could start a little later.
This is, however, an area where the wider Church can domore
I have served as a university chaplain in the same place for 15
years, and have received letters of referral or recommendationof
arriving students from parish clergy or school chaplains on only
three occasions (one every five years). This is a shame, as the
nurture of Christian students by the Church should be a continuous
andco-operative endeavour. No wonder we lose some along the
Last month, I was discussing the issue with our local Mormon
student minister. For Mormons, he explained, this is not a problem.
When any member moves house or leaves home to study, "records are
sent ahead" to the receiving community as a matter of policy
Mormons are able to offer continuity of care and nurture, and
immediately deploy the particulargifts of individuals who are new
to a congregation.
Dean of Chaplains and Honorary
University of Kent
Rutherford College
Canterbury CT2 7NX
From Hilary Topp
Sir, - The recently published report Christianity and the
University Experience highlights the failure of Churches as a
whole to meet the spiritual needs of the majority of Christian
If 53 per cent of Christian students are not part of a church
during term time, and Christian Unions represent only a small
minority (ten per cent) of the Christian student body, this means
that we are failing Christian students during one of the most
important periods of their lives. Moreover, we are severely
compromising the Church nationwide by neglecting to nurture its
future leaders.
It is clear that this situation has resulted from the absence of
an effective, joined-up Christian student support network within
universities. Chaplains play a vital part on campus, but the
demands of being chaplain to an institution mean that many do not
have the time, nor is it their ministry, to run Christian student
societies, especially in an increasingly multi-faith context.
What is needed is a co-ordinated, ecumenical response that
equips student ministry at a national level. The scale of the
situation requires churches to work together to seek ways to
support all Christian students - of any denomination or none - to
grow in and live out their faith. In doing so, churches must widen
their vision, looking beyond the confines of their own denomination
and region, to address the stark national reality.
There is already an infrastructural foundation for this work,
and there are many good examples of chaplaincies, church student
workers, and charities working to meet the needs of Christian
The Student Christian Movement (SCM) has been nurturing
generations of Christians during their formative years, and has
been responding to increasing numbers of students seeking to be
part of an ecumenical network of like-minded individuals. Over the
past few years particularly, we have seen an increase in the number
of student groups at universities, and have enjoyed seeing the
positive impact that this has had on the students involved.
SCM is a national body with the expertise, energy, and
ecumenical vision to implement the co-ordinated work that is
needed, but we need the support of the churches to continue to
resource this.
This report is a call to take action on a problem that cannot be
allowed to continue, and it is an opportunity for us to transform
the university experience of Christian students. It is time to
invest in all Christian students by empowering those who are able
to support them effectively. The future of the Church depends on
National Co-ordinator
Student Christian Movement
504F The Big Peg
120 Vyse Street
Birmingham B18 6NE