IT WAS a Bible study on a grand scale. About 150 people came to
Worcester Cathedral on a Saturday morning recently
to study the Bible together, and the event was led jointly by the
Bishop of Worcester, Dr John Inge; the Roman Catholic Archbishop of
Birmingham, the Most Revd Bernard Longley; and the Heart of England
Baptist Association Regional Minister, the Revd Keith Judson.
After a short time of worship in the nave, the three leaders lit
the unity candle (above) before Mr Judson gave the first
address on the chosen text, the last chapter of St John's Gospel,
setting it in context.
Archbishop Longley (right) then led the congregation in
an Ignatian-style study, inviting them to think aloud about what it
was like to be St Peter. After a short break, the participants
broke into random groups of ten around the cathedral, while Dr Inge
(centre) led them from a central position in a prayerful
approach to the passage and a discussion.
The morning concluded with a final act of worship, and then many
stayed behind for a shared picnic lunch in the Chapter House, and a
browse round the Christian bookstalls in the cloisters. Later in
the day, at evensong, Archbishop Longley was installed as an
Honorary Canon.