ARCHAEOLOGISTS in Israel believe that they have discovered the
remains of a palace built by the biblical King David.
It is the first time that archae-ologists have found a
monumental building thought to be associated with him. This
discovery, together with other finds from the site, is likely to
transform the academic world's understanding of early Israelite
The building, about 30 metres square, is thought to have
contained up to 50 rooms on two, or possibly three, floors,
arranged around a central courtyard. The excavation of the
building, carried out this month and last month, has revealed that
the occupants of the palace area had a liking for exotic stone and
ceramic tableware, and other goods manufactured as far away as
Egypt and Cyprus.
The archaeologists have found fragments of Egyptian alabaster
bowls, and Cypriot perfume vessels, as well as locally produced
pottery jars, and evidence of metal-working.
The palace was found inside the remains of an ancient city that
has been excavated by archaeologists over the past seven years.
The discoveries are important because they seem to confirm an
important element of the biblical account of Israelite history:
that state formation and urbanism began in the Jerusalem area in
about 1000 BC - that is, in the period traditionally associated
with King David.
Over recent decades, many archaeologists have tended to dismiss
the idea that the Davidic and Solomonic period really represented
the establishment of a substantial centralised state in the
Jerusalem area. Some have believed instead that state formation in
that area - later culturally central to Judaism, Christianity, and
Islam - did not begin until about 300 years later.
The new discoveries, however, suggest that they were wrong, and
that King David may indeed have presided over the creation of a
powerful and centrally organised proto-Jewish state.
This year's excavation also unearthed the remains of another
building thought to date from David's time - a royal warehouse for
storing tax-in-kind. The site, at Khirbet Qeiyafa, 20 miles
south-west of Jerusalem, is thought to be that of the biblical city
of Shaarayim. In the account in the Bible, the area is famous for
being the place where the young David killed the Philistine "giant"
Goliath, with a stone.
At that period, the Iron Age, the Philistines, and the early
Kingdom of Judah (of which David became king) were vying with each
other for local political and military dominance.
Indeed, Shaarayim seems only to have existed for 20 to 30 years
before it was destroyed, almost certainly by the Philistines. The
archaeologists have found the destruction level, with collapsed
buildings in which pots, stone vessels, and even metal artefacts
were still sitting on the floors where their owners had abandoned
The archaeologists believe that the city was not burnt by the
attackers, but that all the buildings had collapsed when they were
stripped of valuable timber roof-beams.
The archaeological investigation shows that Philistine fury was
directed particularly fiercely against Israelite religious
structures. Altars, ritual cleansing basins, and small models
(symbolising the concept of a temple) had been deliberately
The excavations have been directed by Professor Yossi Garfinkel,
of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Saar Ganor, of the
Israel Antiquities Authority.