From the Revd Geoffrey Squire
Sir, - I have always considered it to be tragic how the Catholic
voice and witness in the Church of England has become divided,
mainly over the ordination of women. I was, therefore, delighted to
open my Church Times and read the headline "New network
aims to unite Catholics" (News, 26 April). I
eagerly read on, to try to discover how this might come about.
I read the article through, and noted not a single name that I
recognised from among the ranks of traditionalist Catholics, and
there are many. There was not even the suggestion that an
invitation had been sent to any Catholics of traditionalist views.
Maybe I have missed something. Maybe the press release missed
something; but this event appears to be "Affirming Catholics"
saying that they will get on with one another, as though the large
number of traditionalist Catholics did not exist.
Once the arrangements for traditionalists are finalised, I
believe that there will be a place for those who claim to be
Anglican Catholics but hold differing views to work together on
some issues; but it must be inclusive, and not exclusive of
Little Cross, Goodleigh
Barnstaple, Devon EX32 7NR