THEY do things on a large scale in Yorkshire. The four dioceses
of Ripon & Leeds, Wakefield, Bradford, and
York, together with the Scripture Union, Young Saints, and the
Girls' and Boys' Brigades, put on their fourth Big Night Out and
attracted 2500 young people from across the county. Even the
Bishops had fun, as the Rt Revd James Bell, of Knaresborough, and
the Rt Revd Tony Robinson, of Pontefract, led the way on the
For Bishop Bell, it was his first ride on one for 50 years, and
he found it scary: "I thought we were coming off several times."
One group held an "Extreme Bible Study" on the "Ultimate"
rollercoaster, while the less adventurous enjoyed the free
refreshments and an exhibition of Christian resources.
"The beauty of the Big Night Out", one of the organisers said,
"is that it offers young people, from the biggest churches with
lots of teenagers, to the smallest village parish with just one or
two, the opportunity to come along and experience what being Church
is like on a mega scale."