From the Revd Bruce Deans
Sir, - The Church of England is often accused of fudging
things, and spending too much time trying to accommodate those of
its members who take a different view on a particular issue. But I
like the fact that it cares enough to do so.
As a Glasgow-born Scot, brought up in the Church of Scotland, I
am feeling increasingly upset by reports about the Church of
Scotland, such as "Congregation leave Kirk building after seceding"
News, 14 December).
I now live in Hampshire, and I am a Church of England Rector. If
I understand things correctly, I would find it difficult to accept
the change in doctrine adopted by the Church of Scotland at its
2012 General Assembly. I understand that the decision was taken in
an attempt to embrace "difference" within the church leadership.
How, then, does it make sense to follow this by hastily saying
goodbye to whole congregations who hold a different view from the
2012 General Assembly - even though that view represents an
orthodox Christian position held for 2000 years?
The Rectory, Southwick Road
Wickham PO17 6HR