HE CHAIRS the National
Committee of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement of the Protestant
Churches in China, and he was visiting Dublin and the dioceses of
Dublin & Glendalough. After hearing Trinity
College Choir sing at morning prayer, Elder Fu Xianwei
(centre) said that it was "like a dream come true, because
the choir brought me to heaven: it was just like listening to
angels' voices".
He was accompanied by the
Revd Peter Koon, Provincial Secretary General of Hong Kong Sheng
Kung Hui, the Anglican province of Hong Kong. The two Chinese
churchmen attended the patronal eucharist in St Patrick's
Cathedral, on St Patrick's Day; and, later in the day, at a second
service where 14 Dublin churches were represented, Elder Fu gave an
address bringing the greetings of 25 million Christians in
It is a Church that has
grown significantly in the past few decades, and has especially
attracted young people. He expressed the hope that Dublin and China
could collaborate in the future - not just through sacred music,
but with students. He said that he had been deeply moved by the
trip, because he had seen a very different part of the world.
Elder Fu is used to foreign
travel. Born in 1944, he was educated in a theological seminary,
but worked in a shipyard, and in schools in Shanghai, before
joining the National Committee of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement
of Protestant Churches. He has been chairman since 2008.
He said that he had visited
many countries, and had taken part in international conferences,
but that this was his first visit to Ireland. The visit had been
sponsored by the Archbishop of Dublin, Dr Michael Jackson, and the
Dublin University Far Eastern Mission, which was founded in 1895
and has been rejuvenated in recent years.