From the Revd John Wilkinson and the Revd Renate
Sir, - In the 2012 film The Gatekeepers, its Israeli
director, Dror Moreh, brings us six former heads of Israel's
homeland security service, the Shin Bet, to talk openly about the
occupation of Palestine. They are, in retrospect, more ambivalent
about the part they played than might be expected. It is a pity
that Anglican Friends of Israel (Letters, 23
August) has yet to show such ambivalence.
It is the harsh reality of the Israeli occupation which led us
and hundreds of others to give our support to Time for Action, the
British Christian response to the Kairos Palestine document, at
Greenbelt last Sunday. From this beginning, a grassroots network,
Kairos Britain, is being created to bring Christians together to
embrace the Palestinian struggle for liberation by non-violent
We know that this will have the support of many courageous Jews,
from Israel and beyond. Time for Action calls us to pray, to hope
where there is no hope, and to make our contribution towards
justice and a true peace.
It is in such vulnerable, Christlike places that Christians
should be found. Time for Action is an invitation to all to look
past familiar, tired clichés and strident half-truths, and search
with us for what lies beyond.
203 Barclay Road, Bearwood
Smethwick B67 5LA
From Mr Donald Wetherick
Sir, - It is a shame that Frances Waddams did not wait until
after the launch of the Kairos UK document before criticising it. I
hope she can now acknowledge that the feared attack on Israel's
legitimacy as a state has not materialised, and that the premature
defence offered in her letter is unnecessary.
I was at the launch of the document, and heard consideration
given to both Jewish and Palestinian needs for security. The
document holds that neither Israelis nor Palestinians have true
security under the current occupation, but that it is Palestinians
who continue to bear the greater cost in material and human terms.
This is an issue for friends of Israel and Palestine alike.
Pre-emptive criticism of any challenge to the status quo in the
Middle East reminds me of earlier pre-emptive attacks by Israel on
its neighbours, both born out of fear. However understandable, such
fear needs to be countered by the "perfect love that drives out
fear". This is surely what the friends of Jesus need to seek for
both Israelis and Palestinians at this time.
20 Ellesmere Road
London E3 5QX