AS THE world watched nearly 200 Tour de France cyclists speed
their way through the Dales of West Yorkshire & the
Dales (News, 11 July), the Huddersfield
congregation of St Philip and St James, Scholes, were also thinking
about their link parishes in Tanzania.
They have raised enough money to send ten bicycles to the
village of Luanda - not for speeding around, but to boost the local
economy. The bicycles, which cost about £70 each, will help some of
the poorest break out of poverty.
"The poorest people in the world often have no means of
transport," the Vicar, the Revd Richard Burge (above, in
Tanzania), says. "But, with a bicycle, they can start to make
simple changes to their lives. Without a bike they have to walk to
market, they can't carry a lot and it takes ages to get anywhere.
With a bicycle they can carry more, so get a better price for
anything they sell, and it takes them a fraction of the time. Small
things like this can make huge changes to the poorest people."
The church in Scholes has been linked with Luanda, in the
Ryogoro area of Tanzania, for many years, and has sent footballs,
mosquito nets, goats, and many other items. Now they have set
themselves a goal. They want to send bicycles to people living in
all four of their link parishes as part of their Harvest Festival
this year.