THE church wall had long offered a good perching place for the
students of Havering FE College. The trouble was, the Vicar of All
Saints', Squirrels Heath (Chelmsford diocese), the
Revd Chris Wragg told me, that they had used it so long, and
dropped so much litter round it, that it was beginning to
Not that he objected to the students - he liked to see them, but
the wall of All Saints', in Hornchurch, was becoming a mess, and
needed to be demolished. So it was the college construction
department that came to the rescue. Five learners, who had just
completed either a Level 2 or a Level 3 Bricklaying qualification
at the Rainham Campus Construction Department, were given the task
of building a new dwarf wall, lower than the previous wall, along
the front of the church.
They included Star Mohammad, aged 29; Dominic Proctor, 19;
Michael Coates, 19; David Pengelly, 20; and 19-year-old Ryan
Boxall, who is already an apprentice with Swift Brickwork, of
Chelmsford. The college even sourced 850 bricks from Belgium to
match those of the main church building, and, Mr Wragg says, the
students "worked like Trojans" to produce a very fine piece of
"We have had innumerable comments from people who are very
impressed by the workmanship," he says. "It has really improved the
grounds of the church, and we are very grateful to the college for
doing it for free."
e has now, he tells me, planted pyracantha all along the inside
of the wall. Not only does it have very attractive berries, but its
thorns should discourage - in the nicest way - students' roosting
on the new wall.