The Beauty and the Horror: Searching for God in a suffering world by Richard Harries (SPCK, £19.99 (Church Times SPECIAL OFFER PRICE £17.99); 978-0-281-07693-2).
The Day the Revolution Began: Rethinking the meaning of Jesus’s crucifixion by Tom Wright (SPCK, £19.99 (Church Times SPECIAL OFFER PRICE £17.99); 978-0-281-06145-7).
Love, Henri: Letters on the spiritual life by Henri J. M. Nouwen (Hodder & Stoughton, £18.99 (£17.10); 978-1-473-63210-3).
Tiny Churches by Dixe Wills (AA, £16.99 (£15.30); 978-0-7495-7768-1).
England’s Cathedrals by Simon Jenkins (Little, Brown, £30 (£27); 978-1-4087-0645-9).