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Here is the winner from our last caption-competition photo, taken during the Beast from the East.
John ChithamMany are cold but few are frozen - Derek Wellman
We received an avalanche of entries, and could find space only for a selection. But over to our readers for the puns.
First, the weather-related:
- Snow way for a bishop to behave (Andrew Pearson)
- It’s snow fun being a bishop (David & Anne Lindsay)
- The diocesan finance chair confirmed that the Bishop had been frozen out of the current clergy pay round (Phillip Rice)
- Clearly, the Bishop was in for a frosty reception at his visitation”; “Bishop Stephen was sad to be frozen out of the discussions (Sue Chick)
- Using his favourite Author-iced Version, the visiting bishop announced his text as: ‘Sno man cometh to the Father but by me’ (Andrew Dow)
- The Bishop was confident that all his problems would soon melt away (Richard Hough)
- The Venerable Snowman (Mervyn Cox)
- In Norwich, he was known as the Priest from the East (Adrian and Diane Copping)
- Outside, there was melting and chattering of teeth (Andrew Greenhough)
There were some episcopal-dress-related puns, too:
- How are the mitred fallen (John Appleby)
- You mitre brought a bigger crook (Chris Taylor)
- Mitre known I would get stranded without the popemobile. You just can’t get the staff (Dawn Rowley-White)
- If there’s no ‘divine intervention’ then I reckon he mitre melt (Martin Rolfe)
- The new Bishop adopted a carrot-and-stick approach (Richard Barnes)
- The Bishop maintained discipline by using both the carrot and the stick (Michael Doe)
- Wippell’s latest range of mitres left him cold (Peter M. Potter)
- The Bishop’s assets have been frozen (Janet Stockton)
- I look forward to serving my see amid the winter snow (Don Manley)
And, bafflingly, some readers connected the inclement weather with episcopal personality types:
- The new Bishop couldn’t exactly be described as a warm person (George Frost)
- Although the Bishop could be stiff — even a little cool, if left out — he always thawed readily if brought inside (Peter Richbell)
Not even layers of snow can distract some from the C of E’s culture wars:
- Forward in Faith makes icily satirical response to the forthcoming appointment of the first C of E transgender bishop (Ian Barge)
- The new gender-neutral bishop pleased everybody (Adrian Copping)
- Not sure if this is sufficiently gender neutral for these days (Richard Hough)
Extreme weather had necessitated new forms of episcopal oversight, it seemed:
- To the accompaniment of ‘Walking in the Air’, the new ‘flying bishop’ was ready to minister to those unable to get to church owing to the snow (John Radford)
- As ‘flying bishops’ go, this one was a non-starter (Patrick Irwin)
- I’m the roaming frozen bishop for all those who are stuck (Robert Shooter)
Everything comes back to Brexit these days:
- The Bishop of Leicester, I presume — or could it be Southampton? (Richard Wise)
- Bishops are feeling the effects of Brexit as Europe freezes us out (C. Morgan)
- Bishop Snow’s opinion on Brexit was thawing a little, but he was still a Remainer (Clare Griffiths)
Some tributes to a comic great:
- The Diddy Men’s own Bishop stood ready for Ken Dodd’s funeral (Vicky Lundberg)
- The Chancellor reluctantly rejected the parish’s proposed memorial to Ken Dodd’s unforgettable Christmas charity concert (Ray Morris)
Some other entries that we enjoyed:
- The Beast from the East has added significantly to the diocesan slush fund (N. Collins)
- Now, children, which one is the crook? (Peter Walker)
- The Archdeacon fooled nobody with his undercover visitation (Eric Lishman)
- The Bishop may be made of snow, but the Archdeacon is made of ice (Jonnie Parkin)
- They’d requested a harmless bishop; unfortunately, their spokesperson was a Cockney (Alison Rollin)
- If somebody hadn’t forgotten the scarf, I could have been walking in the air by now (Ray Goode)
- The Arctic See (Richard Strudwick)
- New Bishop of Aberdeen & Orkney consecrated (David Powell)
- With a thaw forecast, Bishop Snow’s days as Bishop of Leicester are numbered (Peter Beal)
- There is little doubt that Bishop Snow’s influence will become less when the warmer weather returns (Michael Watts)
- The first Anglican-Methodist bishop waits for a thaw in ecumenical relations (John Saxbee)
Our winner this week received a collection of Divine Easter eggs, worth £30. divinechocolate.com