ALMOST at the last moment the great meeting which was to have been held on Wednesday afternoon at the Central Hall, Westminster, in support of the demand for the restoration of St Sophia to Christian worship [100 Years Ago, 28 November 2018, 8 February 2019] was abandoned. An announcement which appeared in the morning papers was unnoticed by many who had intended to be present; hundreds assembled at the Central Hall only to be disappointed. The crowd there was evidence to the numbers who would have thronged the hall, and to the intense interest and enthusiasm which the movement has aroused throughout the country. Explanations are necessary, and will doubtless be forthcoming. This much may at present be said: that strong representations were made from official quarters, and that in deference to those representations the meeting was abandoned.
The history of the movement for the recovery of St Sophia will certainly not end with the incident of a proscribed meeting. We shall indeed be greatly surprised if that incident does not of itself greatly advance the cause which Christians of every Church and denomination have made their own.
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