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Sacré-Coeur is consecrated

25 October 2019

October 24th, 1919.

FORTY-FOUR years ago — in 1875 — the foundation-stone of the Basilica of the Sacré Coeur on Montmartre was laid by the then Archbishop of Paris, Cardinal Guibert. Built on great subterranean piers which made the vast church a solid part, as it were, of the hill which it crowns, the Sacré Coeur is a wonderful monument to the piety and devotion of French Catholics. Their untiring zeal is now rewarded. On the 16th instant the ceremonies of Consecration were performed with all the impressive symbolism of an ancient rite, in the presence of the Papal legate, 120 prelates (nearly the entire French episcopate), representatives of the Religious Orders, and a great concourse of persons conspicuous in the State services. The High Altar was consecrated by Cardinal Amette, Archbishop of Paris, and thirty bishops consecrated the other thirty altars — fifteen in the Basilica, and fifteen in the crypt. At midday the Pontifical High Mass was celebrated by Cardinal Vico, Prefect of the Congregation of Rites. It is interesting to note that the choice of his Eminence as the Papal legate was especially gratifying to French Churchmen, for he had always proved himself a real friend of France. During the war French priests and laymen have done innumerable acts of Christian kindness to Englishmen, and we may well rejoice with them in the completion of their great task of building and adorning the Church of the Sacré Coeur.


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