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Diocesan vacancies filled

28 June 2019

June 27th, 1919.

TWO of the five sees vacant or soon to be vacated have been filled by translation. Dr Burge, as had been generally anticipated, will succeed Dr Gore at Oxford. His sympathies are with the Liberals; his action at the time of Dr Henson’s consecration, and his acceptance of the post of Warden of the Ripon Clergy College, Oxford, the adopted child of the Churchmen’s Union, leave no doubt on that point. But his administration of the diocese of Southwark has been wide and generous, and he will leave it with the goodwill and the regret of the clergy of every shade of opinion. Chester is most warmly to be congratulated that it is to gain Dr Paget, at the expense of Stepney. No better evidence of the futility of the present method of appointing bishops could be found than the fact that Dr Paget has been allowed to labour for thirteen years as a suffragan bishop while men of far inferior gifts have been advanced to sees. It is no secret that Hereford, for one diocese, would have welcomed Dr Paget. A criticism may be offered upon both appointments, excellent though they are on many grounds. Oxford is an exacting diocese, with a sinister reputation for wearing out its bishops; Dr Burge has found his strength overtasked more than once by the compact diocese of Southwark. Dr Paget is called in his sixty-sixth year to take up the burden of heavy work at Chester. We can only hope that the strength of both will prove equal to their tasks.


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