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Obituary: Canon Donald Salway

06 August 2021

Correspondents write:

CANON Donald Salway was a true pastor to the people he sought to serve, and the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ was always his guiding motivation.

He had learnt to put his trust in Christ while a student at Oxford, where he shared fellowship with other young men, including the Revd Philip Hacking and the Revd Michael Green, who were later to become prominent church leaders. Oxford also ignited his lifelong love of history and cricket.

Donald met Pauline while on placement from Oak Hill, and they married in 1958. His first curacy in Holloway, north London, was unusually long, because he served in two churches, one of which was the daughter church. The area was quite run down at that time, and this set a pattern for Donald’s ministry, in which he felt called to serve in similarly non-affluent areas of Cambridge and Norwich. Here in Holloway, Donald and Pauline forged their practical evangelical ministry, and their first three children, Alison, Robert, and Nicholas were born.

When Donald and Pauline went to St Philip’s, Cambridge, in 1967, the church needed a fresh start, and so they set about making changes and introducing new ways of doing things. There was renewed emphasis on family worship and activities for young mothers and toddlers, which worked in step with Salway family life, as their fourth child, Catherine, was born.

Donald was a founder member of the local group that set up Romsey Mill, which works with hard-to-reach young people and families. He also inspired many ordinands who came to him for experience. By the time Donald and Pauline left Cambridge for Norwich, there was a thriving congregation at St Philip’s, whose members remember their ministry with gratitude and affection.

In Norwich, St Catherine’s served largely the Mile Cross council estate, which had a high degree of social need. Donald had the common touch and a good understanding of human nature, from which a series of curates learned a great deal. Donald, Pauline, and the team ran an effective youth group and a mums’ and toddlers’ group that opened up the church to the needs of the parish.

Donald saw the potential in everyone, and encouraged many in the congregation to take leadership posts, upon which they gave themselves unstintingly. The congregation, as well as the local community, developed a love for Donald and his realistic approach to ministry, one that was always close to the heart of the gospel. With some gifted musicians and singers, Donald and Pauline encouraged a solid church choir and a lively music group.

When Donald retired to Somerset in 1996, he continued his life of service, taking up a house-for-duty post in the parishes of Long Sutton and Long Load. He and Pauline engaged wholeheartedly in village life and made many friends. They regularly attended house groups in the benefice and the Friday prayer meeting at Long Sutton. Donald conducted a service on most Sundays, and often celebrated at midweek communions; he was regularly asked to officiate at weddings and funerals.

Donald tenderly cared for Pauline during her untimely illness and death in 2006, after which he still continued his ministry. His transparent love of people and his interest in their lives made him welcome wherever he went. He gave his final, impassioned sermon at the age of 85 in 2016, and he remained a loved presence in local churches and the wider community until he moved to the Capel Court clergy residence in Cheltenham in 2018.

There, he made close friends and bravely endeavoured to make the most of every day, making everyone laugh, despite his age and failing health. He had regular visitors until he died peacefully, surrounded by Alison, Robert, Nick, and Catherine.

If you would have asked Donald, he would have said that he was not important enough to have an obituary in the Church Times; yet all those who loved him would beg to differ. His humble light shone through and inspired everyone around him, gently, throughout his 89 years. For his own funeral, he wrote a prayer of thanks, which seems like a fitting way to finish this piece, in his own words:

“Dear Lord, I give thanks for the 48 years with my wife, Pauline; the love of my children, Alison, Rob, Nick, and Catherine; and the love of all my grandchildren, George, Hannah, Dan, Jonny, Mike, Violet, and Dylan. I give thanks for the people who drew me to faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. And, of course, I thank the Lord himself for his patience and mercy for my often faltering service. Amen.”

Canon Donald Salway died on 9 March. A thanksgiving service will be held at Holy Trinity, Long Sutton, on 2 October.

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