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100 years ago: Rome and the Near East

16 December 2022

December 15th, 1922.

THE main points of Vatican policy in the Near East have been summarized by Signor Giulio Castelli in the Nazione. The first is to prevent the spread of the Orthodox Faith, whether Slav or Greek. In this point, we may observe, the Vatican has already received enormous assistance from the Turk, who has not only prevented the spread of the Orthodox Faith but has almost blotted it out of existence in Asia Minor. Another point of Vatican policy is to obtain a formal undertaking from the Turks not to obstruct the work of religious institutions, and to abstain from the persecution of Christian minorities. It does not seem that these two points are logically compatible. The third point is to prevent any action on the part of the Western Powers favourable to Protestant influence, through American and English charitable missions, and at the same time to frustrate the spread of Jewish influence through English schemes of Jewish colonization. Minor points are the strengthening of the position of the orders which have acquired status in the Near East, as the Franciscans, in their capacity of Guardians of the Holy Places, and the Jesuits, who have helped educational work and scientific research through their University at Beyrouth. In pursuance of this policy the Vatican has nominated an envoy to represent it at the coronation of the new Sultan, the nominee of the Angora Government which has been so busy in exterminating the Orthodox. The policy, as Signor Castelli presents it, will not wholly commend itself to English Churchmen.

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