I felt so much love. Sitting in that arena is like being in a church. It is just incredible, I can’t explain it. I can’t even begin to do it justice, the feeling you have when you’re there
Sam Ryder, Eurovision runner-up, Zoe Ball breakfast show, Radio 2, 16 May
My vocation to serve Christ and the world as priest, pastor, and professor will continue. But my season for doing so within the Church of England must now end, so that truth can be spoken to power, and prophetic insight not diminished by the gravitational pressure of institutional loyalty
Martyn Percy, former Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, sermon preached in Exeter College Chapel, Oxford, 14 May
This was a case of a man using his power, connections, and position to trample down the woman who’s telling the truth
Alannah Jeune, verger, Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, interview published in The Daily Telegraph, 14 May
I can’t follow Martyn [Percy] down the path of separation from my own Church. For me, the Church is always at fault, always faltering, always problematic and riddled with failure. . . What did we expect? Paradise on earth? The kingdom of God is here, and yet it is always becoming. I don’t believe the bishops are rotten to the core — far from it. Yet they make mistakes, as everyone does, and sometimes those mistakes have serious consequences for people. But I don’t believe the Church of England is rotten to the core
Jeremy Morris, former Master of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, blog post, 13 May
The lion’s share of the cost of maintaining this huge community asset falls on the diminishing number of regular worshippers. This is unjust. Some argue that it may be necessary to close churches, reduce the number of stipendiary clergy, and sell assets. I do hope not
Sir John Major, speech at National Cathedrals Conference, Newcastle Cathedral, 16 May
Pope twice denied Son
Daily Telegraph sports report on Tottenham Hotspur v. Burnley match, 16 May
I am pleased to acknowledge the leadership of the Bishop of Norwich, who heads up the climate crisis response for the Church of England, and in my own diocese it is the suffragan Bishop of Dunwich, who has a vested interest since most of his see is already under the sea and he cannot afford to lose any more
Martin Seeley, Bishop of St Edmundsbury & Ipswich, House of Lords maiden speech, 16 May
Not a great day. Ordered an outside table and chairs, it has arrived in 40 pieces! There are 90 screws, 100 washers, 90 plastic caps to go on the screws, and an allen key. Not cheap either. Good job I don’t need it immediately. The screwdriver is on charge #extremeDIY #grrh
Karen Gorham, Bishop of Sherborne, Twitter, 10 May
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