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Quotes of the week

25 November 2022


This is disgraceful. The FA said no one would collude with Qatar, instead they would challenge and speak out. Well today England played Iran in Qatar — both countries punish LGBTQ+ with death. Human rights are not politics. No armband, no challenge, no integrity

Mark Russell, Twitter, 21 November


Does seem to make sense if you are having carol service & would like people who do not normally come to church to come to make sure it does not clash with the World Cup Final. Many churches have not noticed

Mark Bryant, former Bishop of Jarrow, Twitter, 22 November

The C of E has noticed that the football ends on Sunday December 18, when many churches will have carol services. “It may be best to avoid that day altogether and host [one] on Saturday instead,” it advises. Yet why should we play second fiddle? It would be like Bernard Matthews saying, “Why not go vegan this Christmas?”

Patrick Kidd, The Times, 23 November

Render unto Fifa the things that are Fifa’s and unto God the things that are God’s



The Church’s polity concerning civil partnerships is the reality of our present situation, even if it is largely unacknowledged. I support a generous pastoral provision that respects freedom of conscience by the provision of a liturgy of affirmation and commitment for same-sex couples and a conscience clause that means no priest is required to officiate at such a service

Christopher Chessun, Bishop of Southwark, diocesan synod presidential address, 19 November


We need to curb the unhelpful and inaccurate rhetoric about keeping the public safer through longer, tougher sentencing. What matters more than longer and longer sentences is how people are spending their time while in prison, in terms of not only education and purposeful work, but meaningful interventions which prevent reoffending and someone else becoming another victim

Rachel Treweek, Bishop of Gloucester, 22 November


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