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Crossword No. 1639

05 August 2022

by Paul Henderson

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1 Questioning? This came about after start of church (9)

6 Child devouring book, one apocryphal book (5)

9 Giving sonorous sermons? Not initially found to contain nonsense (7)

10 Bound to enter suitable old cinema (4-3)

11 Misapplies icon in error, enshrining a support for bishops (15)

12 Early Christian city not supporting old church (7)

13 Water-plant, having absorbed everything, started up again (7)

15 Do not disturb a believer, troubled one beginning to run off (5,2)

18 Article is beginning to mutter about the lack of faith (7)

20 Rushes in with tongues, garbled, to expose iniquity (15)

21 Arab kingdom in Arab hands initially after revolt (7)

22 Most of them will accept priest and king and similar sorts (3,4)

23 Turned on by wild traveller (5)

24 Award from Queen is excellent, bringing in new reverence (9)



1 Lucky escape in area near cathedral leading to vocation (5,4)

2 Follower of Aquinas even if briefly encountering obscurity (7)

3 Group of Anglicans changed for lunch possibly (6,2,7)

4 Going into details, hinted vaguely about source of power (2-5)

5 One silences brayer, stifling very loud response initially (7)

6 Best facial features considered at certain pet shows? (3,4,8)

7 Baby’s head is apt to twitch, having bit of moisture in this? (7)

8 Some time to think about religious symbol (5)

14 Play, but not right part of play for depicting resident of Biblical city (9)

16 A poor performer receiving support as patriarch (7)

17 Use up each colour before beginning in orange (3,4)

18 Preacher with a staff going around street (7)

19 I say no to bottling rising passion, as inhabitant of peninsula (7)

20 Biblical city with proclamation covering the city (5)

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