A Landscape of Grief: Forty reflections for the journey by Jenny Hawke (DLT, £9.99 (£8.99); 978-1-915412-23-2).
“A Landscape of Grief presents, as daily readings, excerpts from a diary kept by inspirational artist and writer Jenny Hawke in the days, weeks, and months following the death of her husband Peter. The written reflections are combined with a selection of Jenny's beautiful paintings to help as you navigate your own journey through grief. This book will also help those who want to support others who are grieving.”
The Precarious Church: Redeeming the body of Christ by Martyn Percy (Canterbury Press, £19.99 (Church Times SPECIAL OFFER PRICE £15.99); 978-1-78622-511-5).
“This collection of essays and reflections considers what it means to be a precarious church. The term suggests uncertainty and peril, yet it is rooted in the Latin precatio, meaning prayer. It argues that the Church's vocation is not to be successful or even to survive but to be precarious, liminal, unpredictable and mysterious - a place of encounter with the holy.”
The Power of Reconciliation by Justin Welby (Bloomsbury, £12.99 (Church Times SPECIAL OFFER PRICE £10.99); 978-1-3994-0298-9). New in paperback.
“This book is full of practical and insightful advice relating to both religious and secular communities, from the household to the international, on how to bring about reconciliation. There is even a step-by-step guide, drawn from the author’s own experience, which is extensive, both before ordination and since, Welby has seen conflict first-hand.”
Selected by Frank Nugent, of the Church House Bookshop, which operates the Church Times Bookshop.