Ukraine Diary by Henri J. M. Nouwen (Orbis, £17.99 (£16.19); 978-1-62698-517-9).
“In 1993-94, Henri Nouwen, the Dutch-born priest and spiritual writer, made two trips to recently-independent Ukraine. There he led retreats, observed the resurgence of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, and connected with local communities working with handicapped adults. These trips were deeply significant to Nouwen. And yet the full meaning of his observations may only now become clear. With extraordinary prescience, Henri identified in Ukraine certain spiritual and moral qualities struggling to assert themselves--exactly the qualities, almost thirty years later, that the Ukrainian people have mobilized in their struggle for freedom and independence.”
Journals of Brother Roger of Taizé: Volume 2 1969-1972 (Cascade Books, £18 (£16.20); 978-1-6667-6121-4).
“This is the second volume of the personal journals of Roger Schutz-Marsauche (1915-2005), known as Brother Roger, the founder and first prior of the Taize Community in France, an ecumenical monastic community that strives to live as a ‘parable of community’ in a divided world. . . This volume covers the years from 1969 to 1972 and is centered on the genesis and first preparations of a ‘Council of Youth’. The project was inspired by the crisis in the Catholic Church in the wake of the Second Vatican Council, and the slowdown of ecumenism after the glowing hopes kindled in the wake of the Council. It was an attempt to take seriously the aspirations of the younger generation and orient them in a positive direction. Brother Roger also talks in these pages about the ongoing life of the community, his personal spiritual journey, and many important encounters that took place in those eventful years.”
Daily Prayer and Divine Office: A short introduction by John-Francis Friendship (DLT, £7.99 (£7.19); 978-1-915412-54-6).
“An introduction to the daily Divine Office suitable for clergy, religious, and lay people seeking spiritual enrichment in their personal prayer life.”
Selected by Frank Nugent, of the Church House Bookshop, which operates the Church Times Bookshop.