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Crossword No. 1686

31 May 2024

by the Revd Michael Callaghan 

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1 Smooth, like some 1960’s pop group? (6)

4 Again takes up studies involving Dominican introduction to training (8)

10 A party without tinnies — impossible! (2,3,2)

11 Peddling as partner to May Queen? (7)

12 Outspoken leaders of Baptist and Lutheran denominations (4)

13 23D and miner arranged to see caring 20A (10)

15 Time to fix kitchen utensil (6)

16 Elite forces guarding vehicle for provincial governors (7)

20 Religious fuss about introduction of rite (7)

21 Transporter making ‘late journey’ (6)

24 Some alerts about stretchy materials (10)

26 Fourth person heading off later after Lincoln (4)

28 Comedian Jupp stealing old bishop’s phones (7)

29 20A, a solitary type outside entrance to monastery (7)

30 Reform nastiest Greek deity (8)

31 A navy group of singers leaving Italy gets support (6)



1 Church has memorial service in Tyneside maybe for communal 20A (8)

2 Trained lexicographers abandoning confused plan in hotel? (9)

3 20A absorbed by common kestrel (4)

5 Right to include name relating to tribes (8)

6 Maybe Bangor’s trading venue is having low prestige (4-6)

7 Deputy 20A’s publicity about Olympic games venue (5)

8 Lord Alan, unknown to be saccharine? (6)

9 Poet’s pen (5)

14 Sporting event held in Irish town finishing early (10)

17 Put down boy on church pew outdoors? (4,5)

18 Atmospheric conditions Matisse’s conjured up (3,5)

19 Catering 20A heard trader with expression of hesitation (8)

22 The woman associated with American university as a solitary 20A (6)

23 Catholic 20A, a sort of cook reportedly (5)

25 Father abridged books for head 20A (5)

27 Final word in Testament (4)

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