Co-stars of the Acts of the Apostles by Patrick Whitworth (Sacristy Press, £9.99 (£8.99); 978-1-78959-376-1).
“The life and mission of the early church after the day of Pentecost through accessible pen portraits of its main characters and communities. Ideal for group Bible study.”
Reimagining the Landscape of Faith: Essential pathways for spiritual growth by Mary and Charles Hippsley (BRF, £12.99 (£11.69); 978-1-80039-271-7).
“Every Christian carries a map, a mental image of their journey through life, created from their Christian tradition, their cultural background and their understanding of the Bible. . . Mary and Charles Hippsley help us to identify our faith map, including the unexamined assumptions that underpin it. Then, drawing on a range of sources of wisdom including personal experience, they gently encourage us to allow God to expand our map when we find that our faith doesn’t match up with the reality of life.”
Becoming Fire: Through the year with the Desert Fathers and Mothers by Tim Vivian (Cistercian Publications, £31.99 (£28.79); 978-0-87907-343-5). New and Revised Edition
“The sayings of the desert monks of the fifth and sixth centuries continue to inspire readers with their wisdom, and those who read them as the ancients did, slowly and reflectively, still learn from the insights they offer. In this revised edition of Becoming Fire: Through the Year with the Desert Fathers and Mothers, Tim Vivian arranges these stories in short daily readings and invites readers to savor the monks’ advice as guides to Christian living.”
Selected by Frank Nugent, of the Church House Bookshop, which operates the Church Times Bookshop.