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Have a go at the Church Times caption competition, and read the latest winner and top entries

14 February 2025

William Whyte

Have a go at our next caption competition (above). Send entries by email only to captioncompetition@churchtimes.co.uk by 9 a.m., Monday 24 February.

We invite readers’ ideas for photos: please provide a credit and confirm that those pictured are happy for the photo to be used.

Here is the winning entry for the previous competition:    

James Adedeji/Hereford dioceseJames Adedeji/Hereford diocese

So, your satnav is broken? Simply take the next right, avoiding Herod’s speed cameras (Janet Stockton)


A SELECTION of entries for this week’s competition:

If only one of the gifts had been a satnav” (Hazel Rea); Checking the star’s Yelp reviews before heading to Bethlehem” (Flora Easton); Narnia is second door on the right, mate!” (Fiona Drinkell); “The camels of Midian shall come bearing gifts and lo, one of them shall bring a mobile phone!” (Daphne Foster); “These three kings have no need to wait for a special star to shine. They can find their way by Google Maps” (Richard Hough); “What? An eye of a needle? You must be joking!” (Michael Doe); “Will we see the long-awaited oasis?” “I don’t think so: it’s all a blur!” “Do they take us for manic street preachers?” (Julian Ashton); “Fortunately one of them had an app on his phone to find East” (Martin Kettle); “Sorry, the satnavs let you three kings down: that’s Leyton Orient” (Karen Bowman); “(So much for AI), I’m afraid your satnav has located a caravan park” (Paulette Yallop); That way m’lords — l’d advise the slow lane of the M6” (Jennie Hayward); “They’re looking for a gift shop — down there, do you think?” (John Saxbee); “Anyone know the postcode for Bethlehem?” (Valerie Budd).

“The re-enactment of the four horseriders of the Apocalypse seemed to have missed a trick” (Richard Burbridge); Why don’t mangers have What3words?” (Vicky Deasley); “We two kings (and a queen) of Orient are, With Google Maps we travel afar. . .” (Avril Forrest); “You should have turned left at Bethlehem, not right!” (Nigel Greaves); “The best-dressed camel competition was hotly contested” (Richard Strudwick); “When you finally upgrade to premium travel, but the WiFi is still terrible” (Megan Sullivan); “When you just wanted a quiet weekend, but your mates booked the ‘Deluxe Camel Pilgrimage Experience’ instead” (Scott Humm); The camels were saddled, but the magi were swaddled” (Olivia Stevenson); Nope, Google doesn’t know what to feed a camel” (Chris Coupe); “It says on my phone: If we want to get back to Orient, we should avoid the M25” (Rena Plumridge); No, we didn’t order an Uber to Bethlehem” (Patrick Irwin); “If you lead them straight down that street, you can’t miss Herod’s palace” (Alison Blackburn); We got them in a three-for-the-price-of-two at Herods” (Andrew Body).

As ever, the winner receives a prize of Fair­trade chocolate, courtesy of Divine Chocolate.


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