In my view, the main reason we’re living in an age of ‘over diagnosis’ of mental health issues, is because we have an ‘under investment’ in community development and well-being
Steve Chalke, founder of Oasis, X, 17 March
The longer this failed debate goes on, and the more rigidly Leadbeater pursues her goal, the less faith I have in either the practice or the principle. Some proponents of assisted dying believe so entirely in their own position they have started to treat everyone else as an enemy. That is a dangerous way to make decisions about who lives and dies
Sarah Ditum, The Times, 15 March
Christian teaching challenges fundamentally the pursuit of limitless growth, economic or otherwise — especially when the pursuit of growth has no end in sight but more of that growth itself
Lucy Winkett, Rector of St James’s, Piccadilly, Thought for the Day, Radio 4, 19 March
In the long run, if your faith can’t stand up to some difficult questions, then you have got to ask whether it’s a faith worth having. There’s a kind of growth that requires a certain amount of uncomfortable questioning, but, rather like the butterfly emerging from the chrysalis, it can be difficult and painful but ultimately it makes you stronger
Justin Brierley, apologics podcaster and writer, interview in Christianity Today, March/April issue
Religion — any religion — is such an important aspect of human life and society, even for atheists, that it should constantly be scrutinised. Catholicism, Judaism, Hinduism and Islam have inspired some of the greatest works of art ever seen because they offer cohesive, fascinating, muscular doctrines from which we can learn a lot, even if we vehemently disagree
Ben Lawrence, The Daily Telegraph, 13 March
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