All Shall Be Well: Visions of salvation with Julian of Norwich by Emma Pennington (BRF, £12.99 (£11.69); 978-1-80039-206-9).
“Through revelations ten to sixteen of her Revelations of Divine Love, Julian of Norwich returns time and again to the idea that ‘all is well’. In her latest book Emma Pennington examines this popular mantra and explores what Julian really means by it, bringing depth and relevance to these words for the reader who lives in an age of pandemic, war and climate crisis which closely echoes Julian’s own.”
William Ewart Gladstone: The heart and soul of a statesman by Michael Wheeler (OUP, £30 (£27); 978-0-19-888151-3).
“William Gladstone: The Heart and Soul of a Statesman is about the spiritual dimension of his complex inner life. In tracing the movements of his heart and soul, the book works from the inner to the outer aspects of a rich and varied life, from William's daily disciplines of prayer and reflection to his earnest attempts to follow the precepts of Christianity through action in the public realm and in private philanthropy, and in the writing of numerous reviews, articles, and books.”
Life in the Georgian Parsonage: Morals, material goods and the English clergy by Jon Stobart (Bloomsbury, £27.99 (£25.19); 978-1-350-38207-7).
“An innovative approach in the field of material culture and consumption studies, Life in the Georgian Parsonage looks at the houses, consumption and lifestyle of Church of England clergy in the long 18th century, linking moral debates and popular representations of the clergy to the material culture of their houses and their motivations as consumers.”
Selected by Frank Nugent, of the Church House Bookshop, which operates the Church Times Bookshop.