THE full interchangeability of ministry between the Church of
Ireland and the Methodist Church in Ireland was now a real
possibility, the General Synod was told by the Dean of
Cork, the Very Revd Nigel Dunne.
Proposing the report of the Covenant Council, he said that
significant progress had been made in the past year, including
Local Covenant Partnerships and Projects. The signing of such a
covenant at Queen's University, Belfast, had been a high point.
They had now arrived at the point where the Methodist Conference
had put in place all necessary changes to bring about the full
interchangeability of ministry between the two traditions.
"It is our turn to follow through with the necessary legislation
to allow the full implementation of what was presented to General
Synod in the Council's Second Interim Statement in 2011," he
"The Council believes that bringing about the full
interchangeability of ministry is a vital step on the road to full
organic unity, the ultimate goal of the Covenant, and will greatly
enrich the life and witness of our Churches for the future."
The Revd Ken Lindsay, President of the Methodist Church
in Ireland, welcomed the growing Covenant relationship that was
evolving between the two Churches. He said that they were setting
the scene for the wider Church and community to travel the road
together and try to prevent schisms growing.
"We have many challenges ahead, and we have to try to bring
people with us on all sides. But I believe we have a stronger
future together," he said.
The Archbishop of Armagh, Dr Richard Clarke, said that
the proposal allowing for the introduction of a special Bill at
Synod 2014 might be the most significant thing done at this Synod:
"We are blazing a trail for other Churches."
Canon Ian Ellis said that ecumenism had come a long
way, to the point at which today they could not conceive of life on
their own as a Church. "Any such days are now over for any Church,"
he said.
The report of the Covenant Council was received by the
Voting on the motion took place by orders, and was resoundingly
passed. The Bill has been given leave to be introduced next year.
It has received its first reading.
A related motion - Motion 21 - urging that the General Synod
continue to encourage congregations to celebrate the Covenant
relationship with neighbouring Methodist congregations on or around
26 September each year, was carried.