CHARITIES working with families on low incomes have welcomed the
Government's announcement that all children will get free school
lunches during their first three years of primary school.
Free school meals for all primary-aged pupils was one of the
recommendations to the Department for Education made after a review
of school food by John Vincent and Henry Dimbleby, founders of the
Leon restaurant chain. They said that packed lunches were nearly
always less nutritious than school dinners, and that a regular
healthy lunch improved academic results.
The Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, said on Tuesday: "We will
start with infant-school pupils, because teaching healthy habits
young, and boosting attainment early, will bring the biggest
"Universal free school meals will help give every child the
chance in life that they deserve, building a stronger economy and
fairer society."
The Bishop of Bradford, the Rt Revd Nick Baines, described it as
"unmitigated good news. . . Food bank reports indicate that most
people come to food banks on their way home from work, which bangs
another nail into the shameful and misleading political
categorising of poor people into 'benefit scroungers'." The news,
he said, highlighted "the im-
portance of food and the iniquity of poverty for a society that
wants its children to grow into educated, creative, and altruistic
But he asked: "What about the other children in our schools? And
what about tackling the causes of the child poverty that the
Government, by announcing its policy today, has explicitly
Despite this move, the Government is almost certain to miss its
target of eradicating child poverty by 2020. The Institute for
Fiscal Studies estimates that, in seven years' time, one in three
children will be living in poverty.
About 1.4 million children are expected to benefit from the
move, which will be introduced next September.
Adrian Curtis is director of the Foodbank Network, run by the
Christian charity the Trussell Trust. He said: "Trussell Trust food
banks are seeing many families struggling to feed their children
across the UK. Having provided three days' emergency food to over
126,000 children last year, we welcome the news that free school
meals will be provided to children aged five to seven at state
"This move comes at a time of great need, with recent research
highlighting 28 per cent of teachers witnessing an increase in
children arriving at school hungry. The guarantee of one hot,
nutritious meal per day during term-time will make an enormous
The chief executive of the Children's Society, Matthew Reed,
said that the announcement "marks an historic step forward in the
fight against child poverty", and that it was a result of
campaigning on the issue by the Society's Fair and Square campaign
27 April 2012).