invited by the Revd Colin Penfold, Vicar of Great Harwood, in
Blackburn diocese, to preach at St Bartholomew's
and St John's while he was away on an exchange trip. So when Cllr
Addison, a Reader at St Paul's, Oswaldtwistle, arrived at St
Bartholomew's, the congregation were surprised to see her wearing
her mayoral chain over her Reader's scarf.
She says that she had wanted
to make the point that she saw no distinction between the two
positions in which she had been called to serve. "At my
mayor-making service earlier this year, I chose the hymn 'Brother,
sister, let me serve you', which sums up my attitude."
She says that people are sometimes surprised that she does not
compartmentalise her work, and that "sometimes I will even find
myself dealing with residents' issues over coffee after the
Sunday-morning service."