New Bishop for Basingstoke
DOWNING STREET announced on Monday that the next Bishop of
Basingstoke, in the diocese of Winchester, will be Canon David
Williams, at present Vicar of Christ Church, Winchester. He
succeeds the Rt Revd Peter Hancock, now Bishop of Bath & Wells.
Like his diocesan bishop, Canon Williams has worked for the Church
Mission Society, having grown up in East Africa. He trained for
ordination at Wycliffe Hall, served his title in Ecclesall, in the
diocese of Sheffield, and was Vicar of Dore, moving to Winchester
in 2002.He will be consecrated on 19 September.
Cambridge college dean is killed
THE Dean of Jesus College, Cambridge, the Revd Dr John Hughes,
died last Sunday after his car collided with another vehicle north
of Cambridge. Dr Hughes was travelling back from an ordination
service. Aged 35, he taught philosophy, ethics, and social thought
at the Faculty of Divinity. The driver of the other vehicle, and
two passengers in Dr Hughes's car, escaped with injuries. The
funeral will be held at Ely Cathedral on Thursday, at 1:30pm, with
the Bishop of Ely presiding.
Obituary next week
Reprieve for Beachy Head team
THE Beachy Head Chaplaincy Team, which faced disbanding after a
cash crisis (News, 6
June), has announced that it will continue its work at one of
Britain's most notorious suicide sites. The team's director, Mark
Pybus, has said that it will survive, after a number of donations
came in, some from Church Times readers. Three full-time
staff have been laid off.