THE 13th-century mystic Marguerite Porete was a maverick who
paid the ultimate price for her scandalous writings. She was highly
educated, came from Hainaut in northern France, and was a
free-roaming Beguine, belonging to an order of non-conventual
women. She pitted her will against the ecclesiastical and political
authorities by writing a highly provocative book, The Mirror of
Simple Souls.
She was summoned to court, refused to appear, and ended up in
prison. Marguerite was accused of rebellion, heresy, and obstinacy.
She was forced to watch the burning of her proscribed book, and was
threatened with dire penalties. She took not a scrap of notice, and
continued to distribute The Mirror.
All hell broke loose. She was dragged before the Inquisitor, and
a tide of hostility followed. "Beguines say I err, priests, clerics
and preachers, Augustinians, Carmelites and the Friars Minor,
because I wrote about the being of the one purified by Love," she
wrote. It did not help when she indirectly referred to her accusers
as rude donkeys and beasts. She was condemned to death and burned
at the stake; and onlookers wept at her bravery.
The Mirror of Simple Souls is pure dynamite. Couched in
terms of a conversation between Reason, Love and the Soul, it
outlines the pathway to God. There are seven stages. The soul is
first touched with grace. It abandons self-interest, then excels in
good works. An ecstasy of love follows, after which the will offers
itself wholly to God. At the sixth stage, the soul sees only God,
not itself.
The seventh is an indescribable spiritual marriage, culminating
in the soul's annihilation in God. Marguerite expresses this in
forthrightly carnal terms, and it was her downfall. "He is
fullness, And by this I am impregnated. This is the divine seed and
Loyal Love."
Not only was this blasphemy: it was the heresy of the Free
Spirit - a belief that the far advanced soul could dispense with
sacraments and scripture, because it lay beyond sin. "The soul no
longer seeks God through penitence nor through any sacrament, nor
through works."
Worse was to come. She refers to the established Church as "The
Little Holy Church", and to her own devotees as "The Great Holy
Church". The final straw was antinomianism. She maintained that her
followers stood above any moral code. This undermined not only the
teaching of the Church, but the stability of society, and the civil
and ecclesiastical authorities were incandescent. No wonder Reason
in the dialogue repeatedly asks: "For God's sake what does this
mean?" It all led to a death sentence.
It would be wrong to dismiss Marguerite as no more than
iconoclastic. Behind the extravagant language lies profundity. The
Christian journey is not a passive, inert acceptance of doctrine
and dogma, but a pilgrimage of exploration which constantly widens
our understanding, and enriches our vision, sometimes shocking us
out of our complacency.
Her image of the soul's being subsumed into God gives us insight
into contemplative prayer: that time when we move into a vast
nothingness, and kneel before the unknowable God, enfolded by his
love, light and glory.
Marguerite's writings subvert patriarchy and re-envision women
as co-equals with men and spiritual leaders, a surprisingly
contemporary view. Her unwavering focus on a love that infiltrates
every breath of our being is desperately needed in our fraught,
fragmented world. "She did not know when she sought Him that God
was completely everywhere."
Porete was condemned to the flames for being a "pseudo-mulier",
a false woman. It is more fitting to uphold her as a profound
spiritual guide, who points out the path to oneness with the Holy
The Revd David Bryant is a retired priest, living in