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Answering God’s call

16 January 2015

In a new book, John Birch, a Methodist local preacher, provides prayers that follow the three-year lectionary. Here are his ideas for this Sunday, Epiphany 2 in Year B


Opening prayer

You speak to us in many ways:

in the quiet of our worship,

the singing of our hymns,

the reading of your word,

the fellowship we share.

Open our ears and hearts

that we might hear your gentle voice

and, hearing, respond.



You know us

and yet call us,

imperfect though we are,

to be your light in this world,

to bring wholeness and release,

heal the sick,

support the weak.

You know us, and yet call us

to be vessels of your grace.


That you should trust us with

this mission

is too difficult to grasp,

and the task,


in our strength,

is impossible.

You know us,

call us,

use us,

but more importantly

by your Spirit

empower us.



Sometimes, Lord,

we forget that you have

welcomed us

into your kingdom,

and prefer to walk within a


that daily tempts us.


Sometimes, Lord,

we forget the freedom given us

in your kingdom,

and prefer the shackles that we


before you called us.

Remind us, Lord,

of the price you paid so we can


into your kingdom.

Forgive, and accept our


for such grace shown to us.



Leader: We give thanks for

your call

All: And we will follow

Leader: To be your witnesses

and bring the light of Christ

into this world.


Leader: We give thanks for

your call

All: And we will follow

Leader: To where you lead us,

for you will keep us safe

within your arms.


Leader: We give thanks for

your call

All: And we will follow

Leader: To be a powerful voice

where there is injustice

and suffering.


Leader: We give thanks for

your call

All: And we will follow

Leader: To show your love and


in our lives as our

thanks-living offering.


From The Act of Prayer: Praying through the lectionary, by John Birch (BRF, £11.99 (CT Bookshop £10.79); 978-1-84101-619-1).

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